Cornwall Newborn Studio Photographer

I am now the very proud owner of a beautiful home studio (I am biased but just wait until you see it!). This space is my little slice of heaven and I am delighted to be able to invite families and their new born babies in to capture some wonderful memories. Brothers, sisters, and fur-siblings are more than welcome (actively encouraged too), and you'll see why below! There is honestly nothing more precious in this world than a newborn baby. Their teeny tiny fingers and toes, their wrinkly, peely skin adjusting to life earth side, their limbs all curled up as if they are still tucked up in Mumma's tummy!

When you visit, I want you to relax, I'll have the kettle on ready for your hot drink order which you can drink in peace as I get to work with your baby!

Read a Little More In These Blogs

My Studio is OPEN!

Read about the journey I have been on to get to where I am now, a little about the origins of Rabbit House Studio and a whole load of public thank you's to those who have got me to where I am today!

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My Newborn Shoot Experience

Jess was initially unsure about having a newborn photo shoot but at the same time didn't want to escape the chance of capturing those early days on camera.

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