Vicky & Eric’s simple but elegant marquee celebration was entirely about being present with their nearest and dearest.

Unusually, I hadn’t met Vicky and Eric before their wedding celebration but as they had booked only a couple of weeks previously and I was only to be covering the celebration of their marriage, we discussed all of the finer details over the phone just a few days before. I had been briefed that the couple would like a few photos of them in their wedding outfits, a few family shots (as and when rather than formally) and then lots and lots of candid shots of the rest of the evening.

Vicky & Eric had married a couple of days previously and didn’t think that they needed a photographer for their celebration but changed their mind last minute and, fortunately for both me and them, I was available. It was new for me to be focused on mainly candid shots of the guests. That is something I do at every wedding, however it is usually on the backburner, bubbling away throughout the day and in between the key parts of the wedding. Of course, this is a huge part of the story telling that I do at any wedding and I love it when guests receive their galleries and comment on the fact that they didn’t even realise some of the things that happened on the day until they saw the photos. My aim is to make sure that I have at least one photo of every guest, smiling and happy, or showing some kind of expression that will make anyone smile.

Usually, I have a whole day to conclude in each blog but I was only with Eric and Vicky for two hours. Instead, this will be an insight into what we can achieve when I have just a few (maybe ten at the most) minutes to get some amazing couple shots. I recently saw a quote that struck me as quite true, that ‘Your Wedding isn’t about the photographs but the photographs should be about your wedding’ and this was exactly what Vicky and Eric were there for! 

DIY Marquee Wedding
DIY Wedding photographer
Wedding flower photos Cornwall wedding
Marquee wedding shots
Cornwall Marquee wedding
Wedding bar Marquee Wedding Cornwall
Wedding Drinks Cornwall Marquee wedding
Bride at DIY Marquee wedding Cornwall

Sure, we can absolutely make more time for photographs to be a thing and why not! When you are dressed up to the nines and have access to a beautiful setting, let’s make a part of the wedding about the photographs but the rest of the day, the photos should just capture you doing your thing in the most natural of ways!

I have recently found myself adapting how I photograph the couple shots somewhat and although I would still describe myself as a natural and relaxed photographer, I am finding that couples do want more guidance, they want to be positioned and directed. And actually, there is a certain amount of this that I need to do to be able to make sure I get the best light and composition among other things. A couple of my bride and grooms have surprised me by practicing ‘the lift’ or even ‘the dip’ for their photos and I love it! However, it isn’t easy and I have suggested to a couple of others to practice these poses if they want to pull it out of the bag on the day! 

Couple portraits Cornwall wedding
Newlyweds Cornwall Marquee wedding
Natural photos bride and groom Cornwall wedding
Countryside shots Cornwall wedding
Newlywed portraits Cornwall wedding
Constantine DIY Wedding
DIY Country wedding Cornwall
Countryside Marquee wedding Cornwall
Marquee wedding Cornwall

On arrival at the field, I could tell immediately that this was to be a very elegant affair due to the vast marquee adorned with pretty bunting and flowers pouring out of milk urns. I was certainly getting a fancy farming vibe and it later transpired that these lovely pair had once been part of the Young Farmers and many of the guests that were attending were life long friends met through this social outlet and at conventions all over the world.

Guests at Cornwall Marquee wedding
Hog roast at Cornwall Marquee Wedding
Guests at Marquee wedding Cornwall
Wedding guest photos Cornwall
Wedding party shots at Cornwall marquee wedding
Cornwall marquee wedding photography
Food at Wedding Cornwall marquee
Musicians at Cornwall Marquee wedding
Wedding party photos Cornwall

As I waited for Vicky and Eric to arrive, I captured the details of both the inside of the marquee and also some landscapes of the marquee from the outside in the evening sunlight. I then scouted the surrounding areas for somewhere secluded and quiet that I could take the couple to get some photos of just the two of them. I was delighted to find a small country lane, leading to an old farm yard. It is surprising how happy a gateway to a field of long grass and a rusty old barn can make a photographer!

So, for Vicky and Eric there was no posing. Yes, a little directing and we did try a twirl but ultimately, we managed to achieve their dreamy couple shots in a lane, behind the farm where the marquee was hosted, all in less than ten minutes and here are the results!