Rosalie & Alex’s Dutch, Cornish fusion wedding combined traditions from both cultures but was quintessentially Cornish, relying on the best and most local suppliers

I have known Rose and Alex for quite a few years now and Alex’s mum is a one-but-next door neighbour of mine so we have spent many a summer night BBQing and listening to music in the village pub together. I feel as though I owe a lot to this lovely couple as they were one of the first couples to ask me to photograph their wedding and to put their trust in me, maybe even and actually before I even fully trysted myself – so, before I go on, thank you Rose and Alex for believing in me as without your confidence in me, I wouldn’t have strived to be running my little business and doing what I do now – a job that I absolutely adore! 

Bridal Prep shots Sconner Down wedding
Mother of Bride and Bride at Cornwall wedding
Bridal party prep photos at Sconner Down wedding Cornwall
Dress photo Cornwall wedding
Bridal party see the Bride shot Cornwall wedding
Beach photo Bride at Cornwall wedding
Bridal preparation at Cornwall Seaside wedding
Dress and shoes shot Cornwall wedding
Bride and family at Cornwall Wedding
Hair and makeup shots at Cornwall wedding

The couple and I had had many conversations about their wedding plans over the past couple of years and each discussion seemed to make the day feel more and more real and then finally, the count down was on and it was a matter of weeks to go. I meet Rose and Alex on zoom to discuss their final plans and timings and what was apparent was that the wedding itself was going to be a whole lot of fun but also was planned down to military precision! This is the first time I have ever been given a spreadsheet with a plan of the day but actually I loved it! And I guess also, as the wedding was a DIY wedding, spread over several locations, this was actually necessary and really helpful (despite lots of ribbing of Alex from his friends!). 

The celebrations began the night before the wedding in the village pub where Alex hosted a bachelor party for all of the guests that were staying locally and had travelled for miles to Cornwall. Rose is Dutch and both her and Alex live in London so the majority of the guests had ventured from abroad and from the capital for this lovely sunny Cornish weekend. The beer flowed (and so later did the rum, I am led to believe) and the excited drinkers were fed bowls of honey roasted sausages and roast potatoes as they laughed and chatted and sung along to the fabulous Will Keating, who sung a selection of shanties and Cornish folk songs. There were then speeches from both Alex’s parents and best men which actually can only be described as a real life roasting! The partying continued long after I departed and some of the hang overs the next morning were immense! 

Cornwall wedding newlywed shots
Bride and Groom portrait Cornwall wedding
Confetti shot Cornwall wedding
Bride and Groom portrait Cornwall wedding
Bride and Groom portrait Cornwall wedding
Newlywed shot St German's Quay, Cornwall Wedding
Bride and Groom seaside shot at Cornwall wedding
Bride and Groom shot St German's Quay
Sea shot Bride and Groom Portrait Cornwall
Seaside Wedding portraits Cornwall

The next morning was a scene of calm and tranquility at Thanckes House when I arrived with Jess Mashford (hairbyjess) and Leigh (Glow Luxe) already at work on the hair and make up. There could not have been a better setting for either of these artists as the huge French windows opened up to a sea view from which the light was perfectly pouring in. I set to work on the first of my tasks which is always the flat-lay of the details. This can take me as little at ten minutes or as long and half an hour but one key tip that I give all brides is to have these details ready for me, all in one place in the morning and then I can quickly get to work without having to ask where your shoes are or your jewelry is stashed away. It is always also a great idea to think about including as many personal items as you can that are unique to your wedding; an invitation, swatches from bridesmaids dresses, your something old, new, borrowed and blue and especially your jewelry. I also always try and include your bouquet in these detail shots too. 

Bride and Groom portrait at Sconner down Cornwall
Guest shots at Sconner Down wedding
Band at Cornwall Wedding
Bride and groom with guests at Cornwall wedding
Guest photos at Cornwall wedding
Entertainment photo at Cornwall wedding
Guest photos at Cornwall wedding
Newlywed shot at Sconner Down wedding Cornwall

I have never experienced such a calm bridal prep and before we knew it, Rose was getting dressed ready to do a reveal to her Father, her mother and sisters and best friends who were waiting at the bottom of the spiral staircase for her! This is always such an emotional part of the day and makes for beautiful photos. There was time for a few shots of Rose and her bridesmaids and then a few of Rose on her own before I headed off to the Church to meet Alex and his groomsmen. 

Marquee Country wedding Sconner Down
Newlywed and guests at Cornwall country wedding
Wedding decor photos Cornwall wedding
Wedding guests at Cornwall Country wedding
Bride and Groom marquee Cornwall wedding
Bride and Groom kiss, Marquee wedding recepetion
Cornwall Marquee wedding
Entertainment at Sconner Down Cornwall Wedding

So here is an example of how I have to adapt my plans at some weddings and that is absolutely, perfectly fine and also definitely my job! I had planned to take photos of Alex and his groomsmen and the rings at the church before the service but on reaching the church, there was a lot going on, the groomsmen were busy and Alex was super nervous and it just didn’t feel right to stop the proceedings and take them off for photos. I wrote in a previous blog post a quote that I had found; Your wedding isn’t about the photographs but the photographs should be about your wedding’, and at that moment and time that was exactly the case! There is always time to catch up on photo opportunities later and that is exactly what I did.

The service was amazing, it was so lovely to see our local church so full of people and I definitely silently sobbed behind my camera more than once and also spent the majority of the service with goosebumps running up my arms! The service was beautiful, partly in Dutch with a Dutch hymn and reading from Rose’s mum while Alex’s mum also read beautifully to the 150+ congregation. Alex’s brother Ben was the ring bearer and I know that this was a huge moment for the whole family and he did them so proud (cue more tears behind the camera!).

The church erupted with cheers at their declaration of being husband and wife and the rest of the celebrations commences with some family photos outside the church and then a confetti snake (yes, that was new to me too!) up and out of the church! 

Wedding Guest photos Marquee reception Cornwall
Wedding guest shots Cornwall Marquee reception
Cheese cake being cut at Cornwall Country wedding
Flowers Country Cornwall wedding
Bride and Groom Marquee reception Cornwall Wedding
Guests Marquee Wedding reception Sconner Down

Rose and Alex had been quite specific about the photos they wanted as a couple and so we headed down to St Germans Quay where the couple read personal vows to each other (more tears) and then we drove off to Whitsand Bay for some more pics. I would like to thank the couple again for putting their trust in me with this part as prior to the wedding I did a recce drive by of the places that they wanted photos and came to the conclusion that if they wanted the ocean view photos that they had mentioned, we were going to have to jump out of the car in the middle of the road and get the shots before jumping back in the car! Thankfully they trusted in my vision and we executed the plan with very little disruption to the weekend beach traffic; and the photos are stunning! Well worth the craziness!

The rest of the day was a sun soaked, stunning afternoon with more music from Nick Mears, lawn games, crazy group shots (in a shady spot, thank goodness) and an incredible speech from Rose’s Dad. In Holland, the speeches are different to in England in that they are delivered sporadically throughout the day and also there is no set list of who should make a speech. This was really quite refreshing although I was constantly on edge in case someone stepped up to the mic ad I didn’t want to miss it! There was renditions of Cornish sea shanties, and then Rose’s family had re-written an Abba classic to be all about the happy couple. 

Marquee Wedding Sconner Down, first dance shots
Dance shots Marquee evening do Cornwall Wedding
Wedding party photo Cornwall wedding
Marquee wedding party Cornwall
Wedding party Cornwall wedding photography
Wedding party photographer Cornwall
Black and white wedding party shots, Cornwall wedding

Rose and Alex had surprised each other with several different things throughout the day and as well as Alex revealing to Rose what was under his Cornish kilt (Dutch Flag pants!!!), Rose had bought them Dutch wooden shoes or clogs to cut the cheese cake with! The final surprise of the evening was when their slow and romantic first dance swiftly mixed into Abba’s dancing queen and the couple pulled out all of the moves!! The party went on long into the night followed by Black Friday and then what can only be described as a Dutch rave complete with flashing light batons! It was such a fun day, so unique and as Alex pointed out in his speech, pulled together completely and utterly by the most local of suppliers that they could find.